Mrs. Beaudoin’s first graders at WG Mallett School 

Dear Santa Claus,

Hi My name is Khloe. I am 7 years old. I live in Maine. I want an LOL doll.
Dear Santa Claus,
My name is Harper. I am 6 years old. I am from Maine. What I want for Christmas is a cat. Can I please/?
Dear Santa Claus,
My name is Tate. I am 6 years old. I am from Farmington, Maine. What I want for Christmas is a Hulk. Santa, do you have Rudolph the rednosed reindeer?
Dear Santa Claus,
My name is Matthew. I am 7 years old. I am from Jay. I live in Farmington. I want Pokemon cards. I want a PS5. I want a new water bottle. I want a new clock. I want a new PS4. I want some new paper. I want some new games.
Dear Santa Claus,
My name is Flora. I am 6 years old. I am from Maine. What I want for Christmas is hatchimals. And I want a unicorn snuggly. And I want a cheetah snuggly. And I want a toy tiger. And I want LOL dolls. And I want a dragon snuggly.
Dear Santa Claus,
My name is Owen. I am 6 years old. I am from Farmington, Maine. What I want for Christmas is a nerf gun.
Dear Santa Claus,
My name is Quintin. I am 7 years old. I am from Maine. I like nerf. I like iPads. I like PS5. I like race cars.
Dear Santa Claus,
My name is Elisa. I live in Maine. I want a mermaid that swims.
Ms.  Lesperance, grade one teacher, Mallett School

Hi Santa Claus,

I want a lego set for myself. I also want to go to the north pole and I want a Marvel game. I love you Santa Claus. If you see this letter you will you please try to write back.
Love, Luna
Dear Santa Claus,
Can I have a squishy animal and a cool toy race car and a jet pack for Christmas and a hoverboard? Merry Christmas.
A First Grader
Dear Santa Claus,
I want a motorcycle and I want a car and I want a snowmobile.
Kasey Richard’s Cape Cod Hill School grade one class
Dear Santa,
I want a VR set. I don’t care what colur it is. How do your raindeer fly?
Nolan Age 7
Dear Santa,
Tank you for sending an elf to this skool. How do you get all arand the wold in one nite? I love
you. Marry Krismus.
Haley Age 6
Dear Santa,
I want a gren and blak mot control truk. Marry Krismis. How mene elfs do you hav?
Jameson Age 6
Dear Santa,
How do you mak the sled fli and how do you go to evry home in a nite and how do you not git
Isaac Age 6
Dear Santa,
I wot a toy wale and a toy fox for Christmas. Haw do you giv presents in one nite?
Ivan Age 6
Dear Santa,
I want you to com to my hos Santa. I luv elfs!
Charlotte Age 6
Dear Santa,
I wot a vr. I wish I had a swich. How old are you?
Harper Age 6
Dear Santa,
I whot a vr set for chismis and I whot an elf. Can you git my pup a toy for chismis to? I whot a rc
truc for chismis. I whot a woodin basbool bat.
Evan Age 6
Dear Santa,
I want a fone for christmas. Haw do you fly?
James Age 7
Dear Santa,
I wont a niw toy for christmas. How do you git to all the homs so fas?
Hadassah Age 6
Dear Santa,
I wont a suction cup squirtle pokemon to put on my door. Haw old are you? I want a howl box uv
pokemon cards.
Eli Age 7
Dear Santa,
Or you relee real and is roodolf real? How do you go to evre hows in a day and how do you
make all of the gifts in a day. I wont a vr for Christmas.
Max Age 7
Dear Santa,
I like you I want a new horse toys for christmas.
Sailer Age 7
Dear Santa,
Do you hav fun? I lov you! Do you lik me? I lik you bechaus your nise to evrewun who is good. I
love you. I want barbies for christmas.
Zoey Age 7
Dear santa,
I want a cuding bord and a pot. Why do you eat cookes?
Brian Age 6
Dear Santa,
For christmas i want toy truck. What do you want for christmas?
Ben Age 7
Dear Santa,
Wy do you wont us to mac you cookies? And I want a special toy for christmas it is cold a majic
Adrianna Age 7
Dear Santa,
My favorite halldae is christmas. I wod like a monstrtruc. I love to make orbmints. I like to haen
them on the tree.
Henry Age 7
Dear Santa,
For christmas can i have so plushies. Santa, do you have a christmas tree?
Quin 7
Dear Santa,
I em giving yoo an elf. Santa I rale want to go to yor vilig.
Sawyer Age 6
Dear Santa,
I want tools for christmas. What is your favorit color?
Elizabeth Age 6
Dear Mrs. Claus.
I cant find my alf and rander. I want a new cat.
Madelyn Age 6
Dear Santa,
I want a i phone 11. Can you bing my cat smokey a ornament?
Maci Age 6
Dear Santa,
Do you like cats? I like cats a lot. I have two cats. One of my cats is named Chandler the other
is named Thaddeus.
Harper Age 6
Dear Santa,
Santa wot do you want to christmas. I want crafting supplies.
Riley Age 6
Dear Santa,
All want for christmas is legos for christmas and i hope you have a wonderful christmas.
Ryker Age 6
Dear Santa,
How old or you? I wot a toy elf. I want an elf that has batteries.
Allison Age 6

Alison Hatch’s first grade at Mallett School

Dear Santa Claus,

Unukn, car (for mom), Bick (bike), iPad, shozs (sneakers), unuknpeio (unicorn pillow), Lovepeio (love pillow), raidhban (reindeer pillow), hort peio (heart pillow),

Tha you Santa.

Marei Chimishs Santa.

Love, Carter

Dear Santa Claus,

I Love you Santa will you Plese git Me Presits I Love you roodor red nose randere.

Love, Leland

Dear Santa Claus.

I hav dnni (been) niss (nice) dut I will Sirr. Diy (be) wit (with) a int Piad intf my diylli gott me one you are the dit (best) dut (but) dous (does) god witk (work) witut (with) you. My mom is wikne (nice) with you and my Dad is nis (nice) too you are godtn (good to) just too aveeeone (everyone) my to you are vena (very) nie (nice) and you an juli ninone (nice) in the ho (whole) ntenr (entire) wior (world)

Love, Julia

Dear Santa Claus,

Dear Stantoo think you for the preisisnts I wot (want) a hores (horse) for Christmas if you can doo that. Boot I WoDr (wonder) wot (what) I Will get for christmas.

Love, Fern

Dear Santa Claus,

I wot mekup. And I wot Sum Kulring (coloring) StuF. I Wot a boby (barbie) but Los uv boby (barbies). I wot a mostek (music) teboL (table). I wot a koking (cooking) sets.

Love, Reegan

Dear Santa Claus,

I Wish for a litle. Jre (jar) with sum sez (seeds) and a litle bit av mas (moss) that cums. With sum litle plants that are plastik. Anumls.

Love, Maisie

Dear Santa Claus,

do you (know) wut I wot fon (Christmas) is a puuy (puppy) I weew (would) wot (want) it. So fi you can do it I werd (would) love it.

Love, Addy

Dear Santa Claus,

All I wrat is a BrB (Barbie) and a pop it and soit (squish) ball and a safednd (stuffed) atert (animals) and a cat to and af (Elf) on the scef (shelf) to.

Love, Jinger

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