Salutatorian Abigail Therriault of Dirigo High School’s Class of 2023, speaks Friday night at graduation ceremonies at the Dixfield school. Bruce Farrin/Rumford Falls Times

DIXFIELD — Fifty-two Dirigo High School students received their diplomas Friday night in DeFoe Gymnasium.

Salutatorian Abigail Therriault addressed the packed facility, saying, “They say in the running world that the first mile is always the toughest. But once you push through, it’s a great feeling. The statement is not just about running though. It also applies to our lives, both here at high school and beyond.”

Speaking of her high school years, she said, “To say that my first mile at Dirigo was difficult would be an understatement. Yet, once I overcame my shyness and conquered my fears, I thrived.

“Here at Dirigo, I made lifelong friends, found academic success and enjoyed sports teams that helped shape me into the person I am today, because everyone around me pushed me to be my best self, and I’m really thankful for them,” she said.

The Class of 2023 were gathered Friday to celebrate their collective achievements throughout their high school years, and cheer the future achievements they hope to have.

“We cherish the memories we created with those who shaped us into the individuals we are today,” Therrieual said. “Our class has tirelessly worked to pave the way for our dreams, and has spent countless hours into graduating to higher education and securing jobs.

“As we bid farewell to high school, we embark on our first mile into the real world and excitement for what lies ahead — jobs, college and countless opportunities that will enable us to achieve our goals,” she said.

Summing up her address, Therriault said, “Nothing worthwhile comes without hard work. We will conquer our first mile because the people here have taught us how to. And beyond that, there are no limits to the miles of dreams we can pursue.”

Following graduation, most of the class boarded a bus for a Project Graduation trip to Urban Air in Portland. The will return to the high school at 5 a.m. Saturday for the traditional breakfast.

The Dirigo Senior Chorus prepares Friday evening to sing “Everybody Wants to Rule the World” at graduation ceremonies at the Dixfield school. Bruce Farrin/Rumford Falls Times

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