The Rangeley Region is scheduled to host two returning festivals on Friday and Saturday, June 16 and 17, providing a range of activities for people of all ages.

The events are hosted by the Rangeley Lakes Region Historical Society and the Outdoor Heritage Museum in Oquossoc.

White Nose Pete Fly Fishing Festival

On June 16 and 17 the Rangeley Inn and Tavern at 2443 Main St. will be the venue of a weekend celebrating trout and the Rangeley Lakes Region.

The original White Nose Pete trout sculpture and companion artwork, recently acquired by the Outdoor Heritage Museum, will be at the museum at 8 Rumford Road in Oquossoc throughout the festival weekend.

Admission, which costs $8 for adults and is free for children 12 and younger, supports the Rangeley Lake Region Historical Society, according to a news release from Amanda L. Christian, executive director of the Rangeley Lakes Chamber of Commerce.


Friday night kicks off at 6 p.m. with a gala (formal dress not required) honoring fly fishers of ages, followed by a live auction benefiting in part Reel Recovery. The cost is $20 (light hors d’oeuvres and cash bar). Reel Recovery is a national nonprofit organization that conducts free fly-fishing retreats for men living with all forms of cancer.

On Saturday at 9:30 a.m. on the grounds of Rangeley Inn & Tavern or within short walking distance, will be fly fishing and outdoor activities for all ages. Saturday entry is free.

With displays from Maine fishing gear manufacturers, fly shops and fly tyers, as well as various sessions, there’s something for beginner to advanced anglers. Events will include free fly-casting and fly-tying clinics and demonstrations, and special clinics for kids. Those who attend can browse vendor rows, and purchase new and antique gear and fly fishing ties, chat with fly-fishing authors and attend presentations.

The Lupine Festival

The Lupine Festival is set to begin at  10 a.m. Saturday, June 17, at the Outdoor Heritage Museum. The festival is a celebration of the lupine flower that carpets the Rangeley Region in June.

This event will feature more than 30 vendors of arts, crafts and antiques. The museum and gift shop will be open to visitors that day, and the Girl Scouts of Maine will offer information about its program and host a spring planting activity for all ages.

For more information, contact the chamber at 207-864-5571 or



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