TURNER — Maine School Administrative District 52 directors decided Thursday not to livestream their meetings this school year because the staffer who handled that now has other obligations, Superintendent Cari Medd said.

The meetings will be recorded and uploaded to the district’s website. She said she is hoping to give a student the opportunity to record the meetings as an extracurricular opportunity.

The board reappointed Joseph McLean as chairperson and Jessaka Nichols was appointed vice chairperson.

Crystal Barus was chosen as Finance Committee chairperson, while Kyle Purington and Peter Ricker were appointed to the committee.

Ricker and Purington were also appointed to the Plant/Transportation/Building Committee, along with Nichols. Members appointed to the Curriculum/Education Policy Committee include Jaime Johnson, Breanna Allard and Anthony Shostak. Negotiations Committee membership stayed the same with Johnson, Nichols and Tammy Fereshetian.

The board also formed a new Strategic Plan Review Committee. The plan was completed during the 2018-19 school year, but the district had a difficult time implementing it because of disruptions from the pandemic.

During the workshop Thursday, Steven Bailey of the Maine School Management Association presented the board with ways to develop goals and implement the strategic plan, according to Medd. The association is a nonprofit that advocates for the state’s public schools and students, according to its website. Its members include school boards and superintendents within the Maine School Boards Association and the Maine School Superintendents Association, giving them programs and services to support their needs.

The board will hear from Bailey during a Sept. 28 workshop.

In other business, McLean informed board members that the district has received many Freedom of Access Act requests, which will require paying for additional staff time to answer, Medd said.

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