To the Editor:

Over the past two weeks, I experienced my first medical emergency, requiring me to be rushed by ambulance to the emergency rooms of two of the hospitals in my area.

From the expedient professional response by United Ambulance with their highly trained paramedics to the professional staff at Bridgton and Stephens Memorial hospitals, I could not have dreamed of receiving better professional care in the effort to save my life.

While laying in bed in the emergency rooms of both hospitals, I could not help to think of how lucky I was to live in America, where the finest levels of medical care exist, and more importantly, where so many fine Americans have been educated and dedicated their lives for the sole purpose of saving and caring for their fellow man.

These people are to be thanked, commended, and respected for all that they do for us.

This recent experience inspired me to write the following poem, which I hope brings to light this precious American treasure that we have.


I hope that after reading my poem, you will be energized to recognize, thank, and actively support our professional healthcare workers, who are always there to serve and save us each and every day. And finally, a big ‘Thank you’ to all who helped me through my health issue.

     Our Healthcare is not Broken

Healthcare is not broken, the system has not failed.

The dedicated physicians and their assistants, must not be derailed.

Their knowledge, love, and sharing will always shine through.

As dedicated Americans their service is pure and true.


It is our foremost duty

to respect and support all they do,

By demanding politicians to respond with enough revenue

To appropriate proper funding for salaries and healthcare to all From first responders, to surgeons, and the patients waiting in the halls.

– Wayne Peabody

Wavne Peabody


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