Well! We are well into January 2024! Each week since Christmas has been cleverly marked by a snowstorm. At least, no doubt some entity, somewhere, thought it was clever. I wouldn’t mind any of it if there were snow without rain.

Considering the universe didn’t ask my opinion, I’ll have to adjust and be grateful I can move it out of my way and have the resources for assistance. And anyway, the fresh covering of frozen, white crystals everywhere is beautiful.

Sometimes, opinions matter. After purchasing a Christmas gift, I got a survey from Harry and David, an online food-ordering company. Sometimes, surveys take a long time to complete, but this was quick. Several options were available to express my opinion beyond a “yes” or “no.” Companies tend to ask many questions of us.

I don’t know if any of them care, but they maybe do. This one wanted to know why I was there, why I was buying, whether I was happy with the experience and whether I would come back or recommend it to a friend. As I clicked on “submit,” a message of thanks popped up that said my responses had been recorded.

I chuckled to myself when I read that because I thought these questions could aptly be applied to life on this planet, the first one being, “Why am I here”? I presume, hopefully correctly, that at some time in our lives, we all ask this question of ourselves. I recommend it to check in with ourselves as we go through the years. On each birthday?

My answer has evolved from “That’s a good question. I have no idea” to “Would someone please answer this for me?” and finally to “I’m here to have an experience and while I’m here, learn to love large and be of good purpose to the world.”. Seems like a big task. Definitely a longer answer than “shopping for my daughter.” What does your answer look like?

I hope that when my life is reviewed, I’ll be asked if I was happy with the experience. At one time, that answer would have been, “Hell no.” Fortunately, my answer has evolved as I’ve better understood the process and the answer to question one. So now I would say, “Yep, let’s do this again.” Furthermore, I not only want to come back (as a bird, please), but I highly recommend this journey to other souls. First, read the fine print.

I have many opportunities to express my feelings to God about how things are run down here. I assume God chuckles and thinks, “She’s gonna love my next move!”

I often joke that when I transition to the next chapter after life here, I will have a long list of questions because, you know, God’s opinion matters to me, even if it’s not reciprocated. I’m also going to suggest the hiring of a project manager and put myself up for nomination. I suppose I’ll be handed the message, “Thank you. Your responses have been recorded”.

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