Some Republican legislators have said a constitutional amendment guaranteeing the right to abortion is not necessary because we have a law giving the right for this procedure.

They claim this is being used as an issue to divert attention from other issues. They also claim citizens of Maine don’t want this in the Constitution, but provide no evidence for this.

Until the current conservative Supreme Court overturned 50 years of what some of them called “settled law” under Roe v Wade, it was a guaranteed right nationally. When they overturned the decision they said it should be up to the states to decide.

If Republicans are so sure that Mainers don’t want this right, why are they afraid to let citizens have our say by voting on it? They know that if they should gain control of the three branches of government, taking away this right by repealing the law will be one of their first priorities.

If Republicans truly believe this is a states’ rights issue, if they truly believe citizens of Maine want to take away this health care right, they should have the courage of their convictions to let our citizens have our say by voting on it.

They are not giving their approval by placing it on the ballot. They are allowing citizens to make the decision.

Stan Tetenman, Poland

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