Even though we all are born the same way without choice, no one should be surprised that advocates for unfettered abortions in Maine are pushing for a constitutional amendment to end the right of the unborn to be born.

Sadly, seeking to bolster their position through terms like “reproductive rights” and “reproductive freedom,” they have built their campaign on a lie by claiming women do not already have reproductive freedom, when they do, just not to their liking.

Pregnancy prevention already exists through various and effective means. The ability to live freely without getting pregnant, which is every woman’s right, is readily sought and practiced by many women in Maine.

But what many women (and men) want is birth control after pregnancy occurs, a very different concept. Rather than making a conscious, ethical effort to prevent pregnancy, many women (and men) want abortion as a means to stop another human being from being born to accommodate their unbridled lifestyles.

When another human life hangs in the balance once pregnancy occurs, codifying by constitutional amendment the right to kill the unborn is a perversion of the universal means to real freedom.

Such an amendment has no place in Maine’s Constitution, if we are committed to curtailing this culture of death in which we find ourselves.

Mark Wood, Poland

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