My father was a lifelong Republican and a longtime gun dealer back in the 20th century. He used to call the National Rifle Association a bunch of spoiled brats. I doubt that he would be surprised to see today’s NRA, but think he would be shocked to see what’s happened to the Republican Party.

At a time when we need sensible candidates to run against (on another planet) Democrats, all the Republicans can produce are spoiled brats far worse than the Democrats, also spoiled brats. It’s really amazing that Republicans would be supporting a coward who won’t even debate fellow Republicans for the party’s nomination. Not many rocket scientists in that party.

In 2020, the American electorate told Donald Trump he was fired. We all know how that went. Now, four years later much of the party is in line to kiss the ring, or elsewhere, on the Don. The only other candidates that even had a chance were Trump clones waiting to lick his boots.

Like in 2020, I’m stuck voting for Joe Biden again, as he is far more qualified and capable than the Republican alternatives. Hopefully, there aren’t as many clueless MAGA cult members as there appears. My advice to them is to be careful if they go to a cult gathering.

Dwight Mills, Greenwood

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