Germany in the 1930s had nothing to compare to 2020s America. Oligarchs had nothing but rulership on their insidious minds, and governing is the furthest thing from a certain current candidate’s mind.

Donald Trump is the worst example of a leader since President Eisenhower was in office, when I came into being.

Since so many of us feel the lesser of two evils tells the tale, history must be the means we must rely on; the upcoming election is the litmus test.

Do we want a person who lies with a straight face and proudly so?

Or, do we want someone who stands with democracy and democratic values?

Snobbery and socially exclusive is so undemocratic in its premise that it leaves most of us out of the picture.

Social equality is what we must all strive for. A vote against tyranny and Trump is the best way to prove democracy really works.

Michael Boom, Lisbon

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