As we mark both Teachers and Nurses Appreciation weeks, Oxford County Democrats wants to celebrate people in those professions.

Educational systems have had challenging times, and the teachers have gone above and beyond. The care, high standards and quality of instruction is what we celebrate and appreciate.

We also appreciate their hand-in-hand work with parents by providing transparency with their educational tools. Their efforts are not always seen, and it is the encouragement, the smile and the caring that we value.

We value teachers and work as a community to provide free meals, so teachers are not feeding hungry students, and continue to fund schools via the state funding 55% level to provide higher quality schools.  The new supplemental budget creates a new, higher salary floor for educational technicians who are an integral part of any school.

Our nurses have been stretched to the limit and have also gone the extra mile. Nurses are asked to work extra shifts and go beyond their regular duties. Yet, like our teachers, the smile is always there and, again, the willingness to help.

Our state government works with health professionals for the common goal of a healthier Maine, and it has provided a recent state health care exchange website to help Mainers get a health care plan that fits their needs. The supplemental budget which the Legislature recently passed increases mental health funding.

We support reasonable patient-to-nurse ratios for better quality of care and decrease of nurse burnout.

Barbara Arsenault, Mexico, Oxford County Democrats chair

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