ANDOVER — Selectmen on Tuesday approved forming a committee to research having a full-time or part-time town manager and what the cost would be.

Voters would consider the proposal at a special town meeting, Chairman Brian Mills said.

Selectman Justin Thacker said a town manager could provide management skills, grant-writing capabilities, research work and day-to-day supervisory authority.

“I think the key word is authority,” he said. “The authority is given to the town manager to carry out those things which carry weight … because that’s where we can really go to the next level.”

Selectmen serve as the town’s chief executive body and have overall responsibility for the general operations of town government.

Andover has three: Mills, Thacker and Joe Luce.


According to Maine law, a town manager is:

• The chief executive and administrative official of the town.

• Responsible to the select board for the administration of all departments and offices over which the select board has control.

• Responsible to execute laws and ordinances of the town.

• The head of any department under the control of the select board when directed by the select board.

• Authorized to appoint, subject to confirmation by the select board, supervise and control heads of departments under the control of the select board when the department is not headed by the town manager under subsection 4.


• Authorized, unless otherwise provided by town ordinance, to appoint, supervise and control all town officials whom the municipal officers are required by law to appoint, except members of boards, commissions, committees and single assessors; and appoint, supervise and control all other officials, subordinates and assistants, except that the town manager may delegate this authority to a department head and report all appointments to the select board.

• Authorized as a purchasing agent for all departments, except the school department, except that the town or the select board may require that all purchases greater than a designated amount must be submitted to sealed bid.

• Authorized to attend all meetings of the select board, and may attend meetings when the manager’s removal is being considered.

• Authorized to attend all town meetings and hearings.

• Authorized to keep the select board and other residents of the town informed of the town’s financial condition.

• Authorized to collect data necessary to prepare the budget.

• Authorized to assist, insofar as possible, residents and taxpayers in discovering their lawful remedies in cases involving complaints of unfair vendor, administrative and governmental practices.

•  Authorized exclusively to remove for cause, after notice and hearing, all persons whom the manager is authorized to appoint and report all removals to the select board.

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