POLAND — The Select Board announced Wednesday night that it presented the 2024 Poland Spirit of America Award to Kindness Keepers for Hallie.

Kindness Keepers for Hallie is a nonprofit organization founded in 2023 in memory of Hallie Oldham, a student at Poland Community School who died from a storm-related incident in July 2022 while camping with her family.

According to its website, “The organization is led by a team of compassionate individuals who are devoted to spreading kindness and keeping the legacy and memory of 9-year-old Hallie Oldham alive.”

The statement announcing the award said, “It is with sincere gratitude and appreciation that Kindness for Keepers for Hallie is hereby recognized for their exemplary citizenship and outstanding achievements and honors brought upon this community.”

In other business, the Select Board held a public hearing with Martin F. Szydlowski, executive director of Auburn Housing Authority, and discussed a planned $6.3 million, three-story apartment building near the junction of routes 26 and 122.

Szydlowski said the building will house 18, one-bedroom apartments for residents ages 55 and older.


The public hearing was for a request for $500,000 grant for the project from the Community Development Block Grant program. The project is also counting on a $3.6 million grant from MaineHousing. That application will be submitted later this year.

The Planning Board approved the sketch plan for the proposed project at its May 14 meeting. Anticipated construction date is late 2025 or spring 2026.

A previous planned 24-unit apartment complex was introduced in 2019, but was delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Auburn Housing later pulled the project because of higher construction costs after the pandemic.

In other business, the Select Board accepted nearly $30,000 for Fire Rescue Department from the Maine Emergency Medical Services Stabilization and Sustainability Fund for “continuity of emergency medical services.”

Selectpersons also learned that updating the heating, ventilation and air conditioning at Ricker Memorial Library will only happen in the newly constructed areas. There is not enough money to do the entire library.

Deputy Town Manager Nikki Pratt said absentee ballots are available for the June 11 town elections and warrant referendums. Pratt noted that all warrant articles are available on the town’s website or can be printed at the Town Office.

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