LIVERMORE — The congregation was welcomed in by Pastor Bonnie Higgins at 9:30 a.m. to begin the service. The Call to Worship, Invocation/Lord’s Prayer were recited. The hymns that were sung were “The Church’s One Foundation”, “Nearer, My God, to Thee”, and “What a Day That Will Be”. The service ended with “Go Now in Peace”. Linda Lyman is the organist, Janet Diaz is the pianist, and Lew Lyman leads the music for the congregation each week.

The sermon, titled “Why Church?” and scriptures from Hebrews 10:19-25. Pastor Bonnie started out by saying that going to church is a choice that we all must make. We come up with so many excuses not to go, but why don’t we ever ask ourselves why we should go to church. God has called each of us to gather with other believers to worship and praise Him and to fellowship with one another.

Church is a place where we can find solace and meaning in a biblical sense. We find that attending church we can get closer to God in a spiritual way. It is a chance to worship, connect, grow, give, and support one another according to God’s Word. Attending church can enrich your life and help you discover the true essence of faith in God.

So, why is church important to attend? First, attending a church weekly gives each of us a place we can feel we belong. We are God’s family. We care for each other, hurt when others hurt, pray for each other, share the joys in our lives with each other. When someone is ill, they have a support system within the family of God. Attending church with others, we meet new friends who share their faith in God and fulfills the biblical mandate to love one another.

Secondly, church is a place we can gather to worship and share the communion table with other believers. Going to church gives each of us a chance to praise, pray, thank, and worship God. We find that connection of love and value that God places on each of His children.

Thirdly, church gives us a chance to grow and to learn in understanding who God is. Attending church regularly nurtures our spiritual journey and allows us to understand all that God has done for us and can do for us if we believe in Him and accept Jesus as our personal Savior.


Fourthly, church is a time to be able to give back to God with a heart of gratitude, in giving and in service. It is a time for believers to participate in acts of service, showing compassion, empathy, and generosity in line with what scriptures tell us.

Lastly, church gives us guidance and support. Church can provide guidance, counseling, and a compassionate ear during difficult times. Church is there to give emotional support and to help each of us in the chaotic world. In church, you will find how to live according to God’s Word and it will be helpful in your spiritual journey. As believers in Christ, we are all on a spiritual journey, shouldn’t we follow the right teacher, God, instead of this world that is following Satan?

Don’t let the distractions of this world keep you from coming together and to worship God. Life is busy and hectic, and we are torn from one thing to another. All of life should be worship, but it usually is not. Church gives us one hour or so a week to just focus on worship and our full attention on Jesus and not on this world. What is church good for? It is a time of family time, celebration, and sitting with Jesus, a place to prepare us to face life here on earth, a safe haven and no one will be judged. A chance for us to reflect on the light of Jesus in a dark world. It is good for all of us.

Announcements: we will be collecting canned tuna for the Food Pantry in September. Bible Study – Tuesday at 1 p.m.

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