To the Editor:

I cannot adequately put into words how humbled and honored I am to have received such an overwhelming vote of support from all of you.

I want you to know that promises made to you will be promises kept. While serving in your Senate, I will offer, support, represent, and live the conservative and family values that I have revered and proffered my entire life.

You are welcome to participate in efforts to reinforce the conservative values Maine can anticipate. Any ideas for creative improvements in Maine will be considered. We must once again honor our centuries old cultural traditions and bring lower taxes, fewer regulations, smaller and less intrusive government, and great good paying private sector jobs to Maine.

My email address, for now, is My text, before my Senate service begins, is 207-500-1220. Text me with your thoughts anytime. This win is not simply victory for Joey Martin. It is a victory for OUR Senate seat and for OUR ideas.

Thank you again for the confidence you have expressed in me with your votes. May God Bless and honor our communities, our State, and our Country.

Joseph Martin


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