From left, American Legion National Commander James LaCoursiere Jr. holds up his gifted jug of maple syrup beside Post 10 Commander Jocelyn Mosher-Collins on Thursday, Oct. 17, at the American Legion George Bunten Post 10 in Livermore Falls. Leo Goddard/Franklin Journal

Joel Gilbert and Emma Furka fill bags with apples Sunday afternoon, Nov. 24, for Thanksgiving boxes near the St. Rose of Lima Catholic Church Community Center in Jay. Pam Harnden/Livermore Falls Advertiser

A variety of handmade crafts, baked goods, and holiday items are displayed at the United Methodist Church Christmas Fair on Dec. 7 in Strong. Rebecca Richard/Franklin Journal

The 48th annual Chester Greenwood Day parade kicks off Saturday, Dec. 7, with a banner leading the way to celebrate the inventor of earmuffs and the town’s festive spirit in Farmington. Rebecca Richard/Franklin Journal

Ballot clerks seated from left D. Robin Beck, Patty Henges, Jody Robertson and Jonathan Kurtzfeld are seen soon after the polls opened Tuesday morning, Nov. 5, at the Livermore Falls Fire Station. Pam Harnden/LIvermore Falls Advertiser

Holly Morris, left, and Sarah Jamison, right, discuss Jamison’s appointment to the vacant RSU 73 school board seat, which she will hold until April, at the Nov. 5 Livermore Select Board meeting. Rebecca Richard/Franklin Journal

Annabel Hopkins reads to Finley, a yellow Labrador, during the therapy dog visit at the Jay-Niles Memorial Library Oct. 5, creating a special moment of connection with the gentle dog in Jay. Rebecca Richard/Franklin Journal

Area Youth Sports Phoenix youth football player Austin Merrill [75] Saturday evening, Sept. 28, grabs the jersey of Mt. Blue Patriots’ Kendrick Meader [20] to stop him during a Central Maine Football League game at Griffin Field in Livermore Falls. The Phoenix won the game, 38-0. Pam Harnden/Livermore Falls Advertiser

Dennis Moro performs original music on Wednesday, Aug. 28, at the Livermore Falls gazebo. Leo Goddard/Livermore Falls Advertiser

Josh Michaud of Wilton represents Ambition Brewing based in Wilton on Saturday, Sept. 7, at the EcoFest Beer Garden event in Jay. Leo Goddard/Franklin Journal

Rezlina, first grade, excitedly attends the Spruce Mountain Primary School open house Aug. 26 with her parents in Livermore. Rebecca Richard/Franklin Journal

Holly Windle, who summers in Wilton checks out an item Saturday morning, Aug. 24, at OTIS Federal Credit Union on Route 4 in Jay. Donations from the yard sale are part of Maine Credit Unions’ Campaign to End Hunger. Windle, who managed to evade other sales, said she stopped at this one as it was for a good cause. Pam Harnden/Livermore Falls Advertiser

Five-year old Shane Morse of Jay models the hat he found Saturday afternoon, July 13, while shopping at the North Jay Grange #10 sale in North Jay. Great-aunt Marilyn Morse helps organize the sales held several times throughout the year. Pam Harnden/Livermore Falls Advertiser

Spruce Mountain High School Envirothon team members from left Natalie Furka, Lily Fortier, Leah Burgess and Hannah Dube are seen Tuesday evening. July 2, at the school in Jay. The team is preparing for the international competition to be held later this month in New York. Absent at the time was member Brenden Veilleux. Pam Harnden/Livermore Falls Advertiser

The Livermore Select Board presents Spirit of America Award to Robert and Ruby St. Pierre Tuesday, July 30, in Livermore. From young lady with the black dress on left: Melissa St. Pierre, Anthony St. Pierre, Ruby St Pierre, Romeo St Pierre, Robert St. Pierre, Kelly St. Pierre, Debbie Dubord, Gary Dubord, Raymond St. Pierre and Judy St. Pierre. [Back row] Holly Dubord [blue shirt], Mark Dubord, Yvonne DeMillo, Anna Lake, Anita Hill, Pauline Boivin, Susan McCarthy, Bertha Flagg, Lisa Bilodeau and Scott Bilodeau. Rebecca Richard/Franklin Journal

Cardigan, a nine year old Australian shepherd greets Nancy Gilman from Mercer at left while owner Pat Parent of North Jay looks on Sunday morning, July 21, at the First Congregational Church on Main Street in Wilton. Cardigan is a certified therapy dog who attends services every week with Parent who is the church’s organist. Pam Harnden/Livermore Falls Advertiser

Edwin Thompson coaches local youth at the annual day-long baseball camp July 15 at Spruce Mountain High School baseball field in Livermore Falls. Rebecca Richard/Franklin Journal

The children perform a group dance at the talent show held the last day of the summer recreation program Aug. 2 in Jay. Rebecca Richard/Franklin Journal

Members of United Bikers of Maine ride across the POW MIA Memorial Bridge on Friday, Sept. 20, to kick off the POW/MIA Recognition ceremony in Jay. Leo Goddard/Franklin Journal

Science teacher Ken Baker prepares grilled cheese sandwiches Wednesday night, Aug. 28, during the open house at Spruce Mountain High School in Jay. Burgers, hot dogs, salads and desserts were also available for students, staff, family and community members to kick off the start of a new school year. Pam Harnden/Livermore Falls Advertiser

The glow of flames and smoke is seen late Tuesday night, Sept. 3, coming from a multi-story apartment building in Jay, according to a post by Central Fire Alert Facebook. The location was given as the corner of Main and Elm streets, and surrounding buildings were being evacuated, according to the Maine Police Fire EMS Sheriff Scanner Radio. The information could not be confirmed by Jay fire and police officials. Sept. 3. Rebecca Richard/Franklin Journal

Halloween celebrations at Starling Hall Oct. 26 included trunk or treats, popcorn, and a mad scientist’s lab in the basement in Fayette. Rebecca Richard/Franklin Journal

Katie Van Houten shows the children how to trace their hands and choose apples to glue on to the tree handprint Sept. 4 at the Underwood Memorial Library in Fayette. Rebecca Richard/Franklin Journal

Mom Nicole Cotnoir at left waits with her 11-year old twins Bella and Brady Michaud and their stepdad Jeremy Cotnoir Thursday morning, Aug. 29, for the school bus to arrive at their home on US Route 4 in North Jay. The twins are entering sixth grade at Spruce Mountain Middle School in Jay. Pam Harnden/Livermore Falls Advertiser

Children in costumes on Saturday morning, Oct. 26, enjoy a ride around the field during the Halloween Boo Bash held at French Falls Park off French Falls Lane in Jay. Pam Harnden/Livermore Falls Advertiser

River Bamford of Fayette approaches “Bee” Janice Sweeney while her dad, Jeremy Bamford looks on Saturday morning, Oct. 26, at the Trunk or Treat held at VFW Post 3335 on Jewell Street in Jay. Pam Harnden/Livermore Falls Advertiser

Tammy Gray, left, Livermore Falls deputy clerk and sewer clerk, talks Tuesday Dec. 4 about properties with unpaid sewer bills during the selectmen meeting at the Town Office. Others, from left, are Town Clerk Doris Austin, Police Chief Abe Haroon and Town Manager Carrie Castonguay. Pam Harnden/Livermore Falls Advertiser

From left, Auxiliary President Connie Cordell and past President and First Vice President Marlene Walker hold the Carol King Show and Tell Award on Sept. 30 at the Amvets Hall Post 33 in Jay. Leo Goddard/Franklin Journal

From left, Jay Town Manager and Recreation Committee member Shiloh LaFreniere, Recreation Committee member Chris Townsend, and Recreation Committee member, Land Trust Board member, and Spruce Mountain Teacher Rob Taylor shovel woodchips for the Work Day event on Tuesday, Oct. 1, at French Falls Park in Jay. Leo Goddard/Franklin Journal

Four-year-old Klara Svensson, left, and her 5-year-old sister Astrid Svensson, both from the country of Sweden, smile Saturday, Dec. 7, while visiting with Santa Claus at The Washburn-Norlands Living History Center on Norlands Road in Livermore. Grandmother Ruth Keister of Norridgewock, who the sisters were visiting, said, “This is wonderful. I have never been here, it’s quite a place.” Pam Harnden/Livermore Falls Advertiser

Spruce Mountain Elementary School students from left Charlotte Gochenour, Jase Price, Nolan Michaud, Liam Wilson, Dylan Hebert, Aubrianah Frank, Hunter Colson, and Cahlie Ross are picked to ring jingle bells Monday morning, Nov. 18, during the singing of Jingle Bells in the school cafeteria in Jay. Pam Harnden/Livermore Falls Advertiser

Coach Eric Gemelli presents Thayer Hebert with Most Valuable Player on Friday night, Nov. 15, during a community celebration of the Area Youth Sports youth football team’s championship season held at the AYS building in Livermore Falls. Some team members along with assistant coaches Justin Merrill and Adam Clark at right are seen reacting. Pam Harnden/Livermore Falls Advertiser

MaineHealth Healthy Community Coalition in Farmington has been selected as a recipient of a five-year $625,000 federal grant from the Office of National Drug Control Policy under the Drug-Free Communities support program to prevent youth substance use in Regional School Unit 73 schools. Seen Tuesday, Dec. 3, from left are Jayde Couture, Healthy Community Coalition program coordinator; Holly Richards, Healthy Community Coalition project manager; Lorri Brown, Healthy Community Coalition senior program manager; LeeAnna Lavoie, Healthy Community Coalition director; Scott Albert, RSU 73 superintendent; Michael Blanchet, Sun Journal advertising director; Heidi Sage, parent and business owner; Kat Whitney, Healthy Community Coalition program manager; Robyn Raymond, director of Spruce Mountain adult education; and Paula Keller, Spruce Mountain High School social worker. Submitted photo
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