JAY — Due to no heat, Jay Baptist church was canceled on Sunday, December 15. On Sunday, December 22, Pastor Chris Dalessio greeted the congregation and opened the service in prayer. Music was provided by Dick and Becky Pelletier. Pastor Chris also lit the third and fourth Advent candles. The third Advent candle (joy) is called the Shepherds candle and represents the joy we have because of our faith in Christ Jesus, as well as the joy we anticipate of His return (Luke 2:7-15). The fourth Advent candle (peace) is also called the Angels candle. God sent His only son to earth to save us, because He loves us (John 3:16-17). Christ Jesus offers us peace in every season and nothing is impossible with Him, even when things feel chaotic we can find peace in Him (Matthew 2:11).

In summary, the true meaning of Advent is found when we reflect upon the first Advent (or coming) of Christ, and prepare for the second Advent of Christ (when He returns). It’s a time of hope and faith, expectations of good things to come, prayer and personal improvement, and spiritual preparation. Advent is meant to connect us spiritually with God’s plan of salvation through Christ Jesus by focusing on the past, present and future.

On Tuesday, December 24, at the Christmas Eve service, Pastor Chris welcomed the congregation and Christmas carols were sung. He lit the fifth Advent candle, the Christ candle. This candle represents the birth of Jesus, the Light of the World. It is a white candle that symbolizes light and purity. It’s a moment of joy and celebration that marks the end of Advent season.

Pastor Chris spoke on the Birth of Jesus. Joseph and Mary travelled from Nazareth to Bethlehem to register for the census. While in Bethlehem, Jesus was born in a manager. The angel of the Lord told shepherds of Jesus’ birth and they, along with wisemen, went to visit Him. The Nativity story is a reminder of the humble beginnings of Jesus and the love that God has for all humanity. The birth of Jesus brings immense joy and hope to the world. And it reminds us that even amid darkness, there is hope for a brighter future. The service ended with prayer.

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