RANGELEY — Rangeley Lakes Snowmobile Club’s Snodeo continues Friday, Jan. 31 and Saturday, The schedule is packed with events and activities ranging from radar runs to a Neon 90’s themed parade.

The highlight of the weekend is the RaveX Outer Limits Freestyle show. Professional snowmobilers will perform gravity-defying stunts and acrobatics beginning at 1 p.m. Saturday at Oquossoc Marine.

The three day event kicked off Thursday, Jan. 30 with a Chili and Chowder Cookoff at Sarge’s Pub & Grub and a Casino Night at Rangeley Inn and Tavern.

The club, the largest in the state, maintains approximately 170 miles of trails along the Ronald W. Sargent Trail System. Snodeo is the club’s biggest fundraiser of the year.

For more information about the club or Snodeo events, visit rangeleysnowmobile.com. Memberships can also be purchased through the club website.

Friday, Jan 31

Live Auction
Moose Alley
Happy Hour begins at 4 p.m., auction gets underway at 6:30 p.m. Live auction co-hosted by Larry Koob. Bid on big ticket items, special dinners, Snodeo memorabilia and more.

Saturday, Feb. 1

Radar Runs 
Bald Mountain Camps, Registration begins at 7 a.m.
Hosted by Harrison Friendly Riders Radar Runs
Cardboard Box Sled Race
Mingo Springs Golf Course, 9:30 a.m.
Create a 1990s neon cardboard sled and compete in fun and friendly races. Trophies will be awarded across several categories, including Best Decorated, Longest Run, Best Wipeout.
RaveX Outer Limits Freestyle Show
Between Oquossoc Grocery and Oquossoc Marine, 1 p.m.
’90s Neon Parade
Main Street, 5 p.m.
Line up begins at 4:30 p.m. The parade begins at Rangeley Inn and continues down Main Street to Moose Alley. Trophies will be awarded for Best Sled, Best Used Snowmobile, Vintage, Best Side-by-side, Best Float.
Town Cove park, following the parade

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