Brad White, gospel singer will be in concert on Sept 25. Submitted photo

LIVERMORE FALLS — Brad White will be in concert at the Livermore Falls First Baptist Church, 25 Church Street in Livermore Falls on Tuesday September 26 at 7 p.m. Brad is a two time Gospel  Grammy nominee. He is a singer, pianist and plays the saxophone. He is an Evangelist who travels all around the world entertaining all ages. Refreshments will be served following the concert. A love offering will be taken.

Brad is now entering his 20th year in solo music ministry. He also appeared for many years with James Blackwood and The Blackwood Brothers Quartet. One of the most traveled music evangelists, he has traveled in all 50 states, all 10 Canadian provinces and 50 countries. He has been seen on television programs like the Gaither Homecoming series, Tammy Wynette’s Friends special and has had features in Singing News, Voice & US Gospel News.

Brad has authored his own Christian Piano course being used around the world. In addition, he has recorded nearly a dozen vocal, piano, and saxophone albums. Brad sums it up simply by saying, “God has been so good!

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