My gripe is people having a “get-together chat in front of a certain item I would like to get to on the store shelf or freezer. Then they act offended if you say “excuse me.” Take it outside!
— Anonymous

My gripe is with moms and “others” who drag their little kids from store to store, crying because they don’t want to shop any more with mom. Give other shoppers a break. Get a sitter, stay home or even better, teach manners and avoid making a scene.
— Anonymous

My gripe: Litter is bad enough, and it’s everywhere in our beautiful state. I’m peeved about people who ignore the litter at the edge of their property. The litterers are irresponsible, but the litter is left as an eyesore for all to see. C’mon — be responsible and pick it up! The obvious fact that it makes your home look trashy should be enough for you to want to quickly thrust it out of sight at the transfer station.
Cheerleader for keeping Maine beautiful

Is there something that really irks you? Share it. E-mail your peeves to or mail them to Sun Journal, attn: b section, P.O. Box 4400, Lewiston, ME 04240, and we’ll print them here. Please keep your gripe to under 60 words.

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