The Democratic majority continues to rule in Maine state government. I ask people to judge if the following are practices of good government:

• Refusal to trim programs and employees when their costs are more than the revenues.

• Refusal to match lists with Republicans of areas to be explored for reductions.

• Borrowing $447 million in revenue bonds to balance the budget, half of which is current expenses.

• Inserting into the budget document many new non-budget laws without public hearing or notice (some between midnight and 5 a.m. on a Saturday), which was allowed by the Appropriations Committee Democratic majority, approved by a Democratic majority in the Legislature and signed by a Democratic governor.

• Pressuring and offering favors to legislators who were unwilling to go along with the unethical and irresponsible behavior. This and absences caused a five-day delay in voting for the budget.

• Gaining support from Democratic legislators who said they were “holding their noses while voting.”

Most of us don’t run our house or business this way. We spend only that which we can afford. Over the years, the people of Maine have elected Democratic majorities, and now they are getting a full dose of what the Democrats are about. Maine is already over $2 billion in debt.

The people of Maine deserve better and should remember that at the November 2006 election. The Democrats make promises that sound good, but their actions speak louder.

Rep. Thomas F. Shields, Auburn

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