ANDOVER – After observing a year-long bicentennial celebration in 2004, the town of Andover has returned to business as usual which, in spring, means the annual birthday supper at the First Congregational Church on Saturday, April 30, at the Christian Building, with the first seating at 5 p.m.

The supper is being prepared by the men of the church under the direction of Ron Adams, chairman. The menu will include boneless breast of chicken, mashed potatoes and green beans, with specialty cakes for dessert. Price is $6 for adults, $3 for children under 12.

The supper is a tradition at the historic church and features individually decorated tables to represent each month. Diners can opt to sit at a table heralding a favorite holiday or the one in which their birthday falls.

Judy Michaud is chairwoman of the committee in charge of the dining room, as well as being one of 20 women who volunteer to decorate a table and provide a birthday cake.

Others participating are Darlene Akers, Betsy Belanger, Emily Bodemer, Evelyn Bodemer, Philena Chaisson, Cindy Gammon, Shirley Gammon, Barbara Hayden, Sharon Hutchings, Rhonda Jodrey, Barbara Kinney, Evelyn Kinney Michaud, Linda Percival, Jane Rich, Patti Richardson, Paula Smith, Beverly Swan, Nancy Wardwell and Betsey White.

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