LEWISTON – The National Association of Retired Employees will meet at noon Tuesday, Nov. 16, at the Ramada Inn.

Speakers will be Elizabeth Fillinger and Ed Effler from Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield. Fillinger was born in Portland and resides in Windham. She is married and has a son and a daughter. She has been with Anthem eight years, all of which has been working with the Federal Employees Program, the last three years as an operations expert for customer service.

Effler was born and raised in Jacksonville, Fla. He retired from the U.S. Coast Guard in 1996. He resides in Saco. He has been with Anthem since October 1997, where he works as a customer service representative, trainer and preauditor within the Federal Employee Program.

They will discuss 2005 benefit changes, rates for 2005 and some of the prescription drug programs. They will also answer questions.

Members are asked to bring toys, games or anything desirable for young children and early teens, which will be donated to St. Vincent de Paul.

Plans for the meeting was made at a recent board meeting at the home of Vi Dumais. Those attending were President Sue Stetson, Therese Baumer, Doris Hamel, Jayne Bickford, Michael and Florence Bohunicky.

Lunch will be served at noon, then Stetson will conduct a business meeting.

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