The first couple of weeks at school have already gone by. At this time next year, nobody in the class of 2003 will be sitting around in the senior lounge with everyone that we have known for years. Some of us will be in college, technical school, or working. In my opinion, senior year is the hardest year because we have to make decisions on what we want to do for the rest of our lives. Our senior year flies by because we have to keep up with our schoolwork and extra projects.

We have to sign up for SATS if we did not take them last spring or if we want to improve our scores. As we get prepared for the SAT, we have to divide our time with homework, work, filling out college applications and spending time with our friends. Every day in school and at home people ask, “What do you want to be?” Most teenagers have no clue about what they want to do for a career or what college they want to go to.

This year will probably be the most stressful year in high school than any before because in June we will have to say good-bye to all our classmates, all the teachers, and the comfort of Monmouth Academy that we have made our second home for the last four years. Being in Monmouth since kindergarten, I have grown up with the same people all my life. Leaving Monmouth Academy is a hard thing to do because we are meeting new people and going to new places. I’m so used to seeing the same people everyday in school. Senior year is probably a wonderful year, but it scares me about what I’m going to do next year and what I will do in the future.

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