BUCKFIELD – At annual town meeting June 18, voters will take up 70 articles and get a second chance to approve or turn down an article to revive the new highway garage project.

Selectmen estimate the project will cost the town $200,000, compared to the $350,000 proposal voters shot down in 2001. A total of $44,157 would be raised through taxation.

At an informational meeting in May, where most residents in attendance were in favor of a new proposed garage, selectmen and Town Manager Cindy Dunn announced there would likely be no tax increase from the town in this year’s budget.

According to selectmen and Dunn, who is also road commissioner, the current highway garage is too small, becoming dilapidated and poses an increasing danger to the highway crew.

The proposed garage, at 48-by-60 feet, would be located at the Maine Waste Oil Site. The project would include the installation of a gas/diesel station with cement pad, a 24-by-20-foot salt storage building, liquid calcium storage, as well as security lighting and fencing. Some of the site work would be done by the town’s highway crew to keep costs down.

If voters reject the project, they will have the option to appropriate a sum – selectmen recommend $85,000 – to the existing new highway garage building reserve.

Voters will take part in municipal elections, as well as a local option referendum on June 17. One selectman and assessor for a term of three years and two SAD 39 directors for a term of three years each will be chosen.

Voters will also decide whether to authorize the state to issue liquor licenses for in-town establishments on weekdays and Sundays. Owners of the Buckfield Inn, Brian and Judy Coulthard, successfully circulated a petition to have the referendum question included in this year’s warrant. The possibility that the inn will convert to a fine dining facility brought about the local option referendum.

The polls will be open from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. June 17, at the municipal center.

Town meeting will take place at 7 p.m. June 18, at the Buckfield Junior/Senior High School.

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