SAD 9 will administer the program.

FARMINGTON – SAD 9 directors voted Tuesday to provide services to the people of Union 37 through Franklin County Adult Basic Education.

SAD 9 would administer the program and be reimbursed for personnel hired to coordinate the adult basic education program in Rangeley.

The program would serve people of Dallas Plantation, Lincoln Plantation, Magalloway Plantation, Rangeley, Rangeley Plantation and Sandy River Plantation.

The services include tutoring or instructor services, general educational development examination services, instructional materials and other related adult basic education services.

The adult education program has been struggling financially and in operations for years, according to a restructuring proposal written by Union 37 Superintendent Kenneth Coville in February.

The Rangeley school board approved the measure before it was brought to SAD 9 directors for a vote.

SAD 9 will hire a coordinator to manage the Rangeley program and be reimbursed for the cost of the program, which is estimated at $18,125 for 2005, to cover the coordinator, tutor recruiter, administration, GED testing and incidentals.

The costs for administration of the agreement is not to exceed 20 percent of the total budget and in any given year. At least 50 percent of the total budget must be targeted to tutoring and instruction costs.

The agreement also requires two members from the Union 37 region to serve on the SAD 9 Franklin County Adult Basic Education Advisory Council.

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