DEAR SUN SPOTS: Could you please look in your files for the following information that I believe appeared sometime during the winter months? I’m looking for someone to refurbish and someone who possibly purchases old travel trunks. I believe there is one in Lewiston.

Also, I’m looking for the business that posts items for people on eBay, and lastly, are there any consignment shops in Lewiston or locally that accept used furniture and miscellaneous items for sale or businesses that purchase items for consignment?

—No name, Lewiston

ANSWER: Back in March, I published information about Morin’s Fine Furniture at 25 Adams Ave. in Lewiston. They have been in business for a very long time and are able to help you with refurbishing your travel trunks. The best number to reach them is 207-754-8511. Another resource for this type of project is Doreen Gendron at Unique Designs. You can contact her at 207-754-0048. She is a wonder! Both these businesses may be interested in purchasing your items to refurbish and resell. Doreen may be interested in purchasing furniture she can re-upholster and sell.

For an eBay seller, Goin’ Postal in Auburn can help you. You can bring your items in along with a brief description for the listing, and they will take care of everything from photographing the items to arranging shipping to the highest bidder. You just return to the store to collect your money. According to their website, they also teach Introduction to eBay classes. Call 207-784-9900 for more information.

Humble Bobbs Secondhand Shop may still help people with selling items online and is still around, I believe. The number is 207-577-6746. Orphan Annie’s in Auburn would be another place to check in with. The number is 207-782-0638. They are located at 96 Court St. and Dan is a great guy!


Readers, what are your favorite consignment shops where you’ve had good service and good luck?

DEAR SUN SPOTS: Thank you for responding to my FOX gripe! (July 19 Sun Spots.) I can’t see the whole score when I view MLB games on FOX and I have tried adjusting my settings. If you mean adjusting the size of the screen, it does not make any difference. Half the score is still missing.

—Mary, no town

ANSWER: I think you should contact FOX. If you have a comment regarding a television program, many of us are often tempted to write to the network to make our opinions known and that’s a good thing! Standard mail is probably the best way to get your comments in front of the right people, but many networks also offer surveys on their websites that allow you to leave detailed comments. If you are concerned about your issues actually being read, it’s best to contact them both ways.

A word of advice, whether you’re writing to complain or praise a network or particular show, let the network know what’s on your mind, but keep it respectful.

The contact information for Fox is: Fox Broadcasting Co. (c/o the program you are asking about), 10201 West Pico Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90035. For other network addresses, you can find them online at

This column is for you, our readers. It is for your questions and comments. There are only two rules: You must write to the column and sign your name (we won’t use it if you ask us not to). Please include your phone number. Letters will not be returned or answered by mail, and telephone calls will not be accepted. Your letters will appear as quickly as space allows. Address them to Sun Spots, P.O. Box 4400, Lewiston, ME 04243-4400. Inquiries can also be emailed to

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