100 Years Ago: 1920

The Leap Year Circle met with Mrs. Arthur Hawkins, Wednesday evening, at her home, 79 Manley Street Auburn. Those present were Mrs. Ralph Hawking, Mrs. Harry Hawking, Mrs. Harry Sawyer, Miss Pearl Hunnewell, and Miss Vivian Jackson. Three members were absent. Next meeting will be next Wednesday, will be at Miss Vivian Jackson’s, on the North River Road.

50 Years Ago: 1970

Hundreds of children flocked around the lodge at Shawnee Peak Thursday during the ski areas eighth annual Storybook Day. Colored balloons, green gariande castle and snow palace moon bounce turned the resort into a festive fairyland enchanting to the younger set. More than 10 professionally costumed storybook characters such as the Beast from “Beauty and the Beast,” Prince Charming, Snow White, Fred Flintstone and Barney Rubble wandered among the children, handing out candy, signing autographs and talking.

25 Years Ago: 1995

It may be time to make the doughnuts, but it’s also apparently time to stop the smoking. Dunkin’ Donuts proprietors across the United States are removing ashtrays from their tables as the doughnut chain becomes the latest restaurant to go smoke free, which doesn’t exactly delight local customers. “Who are they to tell me that I can’t have a cup of of coffee and a cigarette?” said a customer at the local coffee shop. “I shouldn’t be stopped from having my cup of coffee and then a cigarette because I’m in a public place. I’m entitled to it, and they’re taking my freedom away.” Kathleen Leighton, manager of the Main Street Dunkin’ Donuts, said the national office has not yet told her when the coffee shop customers have to extinguish their cigarettes.

The material used in Looking Back is reproduced exactly as it originally appeared, although misspelling and errors may be corrected.

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