School February Vacation was this past week and I hope the kids enjoyed their mid-winter break. Believe it or not it’s that time of year to set your clocks and watches ahead one hour Sunday March 8 – yeah! The days really are getting longer – and brighter!

Weld will hold its Republican Caucus Thursday March 5 at 4:43 p.m. at the Multi-purpose room at the Town Office on 23 Mill Street and the Weld Democratic Caucus will be on Sunday March 8 at the Wilton Town Office 158 Weld Road at 1 p.m..

The annual Town Meeting here in Weld is the first Saturday in March and I will give you the highlights of articles we will be voting on–remember if you are a resident/registered voter (you can register that day with an ID and proof of residency-not a PO Box) and don’t show up and vote you have no right to complain about the results and how it affects the taxes you pay!

I have scanned the Warrant and most of the “over $100” INCREASES were – under General Government: Annual Audit $360-Social Security $150-Medicare $125-Legal Expense $1,000-Training $500; Utilities: Elect $400-Heating Fuel $400-Propane $500; Social Services $300 – Library $200; Public Safety/Fire Dept.: Propane $500-Firefighhter payroll $500; Public Works – Sand $4000-Electricity $370-Heating Fuel $1,125-Road C ??? $315-Diesel Fuel $2,000; Transfer Station Waste Disposal $2,000.

There were DECREASES in the following items – shorter list but larger amounts – Health Ins. $1,000-Street Lights $1,000; Fire Dept. Protective Gear $2,000-F.D. Equipment $500-F.D. Common Labor $1,500-F.D. Building Maintenance $1,700; Public Works Equipment Rental $2,500-Supplies $200-Common Labor $339; Cemetery Stone Repair $3,500

Aside from the budget is Article 14 directing the Board of Selectmen to authorize the operation of All Terrain Vehicles (ATVs) on designated public roadways within the Town and develop regulations governing the use of same. Lunch will be served by the Masons upstairs to enjoy in the company of old friends and new!


Town Reports are ready for pick up at the Town Office and I believe the Skoolhouse Store, get yours and read the reports of the different departments in the town to see what they’ve been doing over the past year, before the Town Meeting on Saturday March 7 at 10 a.m., at the Town Hall.

I omitted the request from Lucille Reynolds in August of 1978 that she be dismissed as a member of the Church which was granted. The requests of Ali Slade and John Varga for membership in this Church were granted on October 29, 1978.

There were three meetings held before the Annual Meeting this year, the first on April 8, 1978 informed the Congregation following Worship Service that Patrick Lucey was granted the job of painting all of the interior of the church sanctuary for a bid of $900 plus a small amount extra as he had not included the “oval” step-up section at the back. His bid was half that of the other bidder Mr. Wuore. A committee of Katherine Conant, Carol Perez and Hilda Hall chose the color of paint to be used after visiting several churches.

The minister Ali Slade reported the Maunday Thursday Service and Good Friday Service this week and a Sunrise Service on Center Hill. There will be an Easter Breakfast at the church preceding church on Easter Sunday.

April 29 Alice Slade was retained as Minister for the year. Florence Adkins would not be playing the organ after the middle of June and the UCC would contact Dinah Storer to see if she would be willing to play the organ during Sunday Worship Service.

The painting of the sanctuary was completed in May. July 8 it was voted to accept Mr. & Mrs. William Nelson, Laura and Lee Nelson to membership in our church.

Annual Meeting November 8, 1979, eighteen plus Pastor Alice (Ali) Slade were in attendance. There were to date 42 members with 4 more accepted by transfer from another church in New Jersey. It was reported that the parsonage roof was repaired but more work needs to be done to remedy the leak. There are 35 enrolled in Sunday School. Sunday School Collection is now being placed in the Church collection each Sunday. The Ladies Circle paid half for the painting of the sanctuary. Organist’s pay was increased to $10 per Sunday. Voted to have the Church kitchen ceiling repaired and painted as well as the upstairs Sunday School room. It was reported that the new Hymnals had arrived. The treasurer reported that she had been notified that the Church is being remembered in Althea Jenne’s will.

Note was made that the By-Laws of the Church stated that the moderator should be the Pastor at all meetings EXCEPT when the meeting concerns the Pastor! There was a discussion concerning the fact that “interest from securities and funds” were to be used for the “running” of the Church and its upkeep.

Hopefully my next story will be the beginning of a series of the lives of three of Weld’s oldest “life-long” residents all in their nineties! Can you guess who they are?

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