FARMINGTON FALLS — Although July doesn’t come for a few more months, it is never too early to start planning ahead. The Farmington Falls Fire Co., Inc. has set the date for their annual Yard Sale and Chicken Barbecue. It will be on the second Saturday which is July 11, 2020, taking place on Philbrick Park. Again this year, Bob Gramlich will be cooking the chicken barbecue to be served at noon while the yard sale proceeds throughout the day 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Each year the Yard Sale money earned goes to maintain Philbrick Park and sponsors the Hawks Majors and Minors baseball teams buying for instance uniforms, bats, balls, chalk, etc. whatever they need for the current season.
Now is the time to start collecting items in preparation for the Yard Sale. We are looking for donations of clean items for this venture. If you are willing to donate or need more information, please call and leave a message for Bob at 778-3156 or Junior at 778-2181. We appreciate your support!

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