Jolicoeur (left) practices Jiu Jitsu with a couple of his students. Submitted photo

LOVELL — Sensei Mike Jolicoeur is looking more people to come and try out his style of Jiu Jitsu – Ki Do Ryu, which means Spirit way Style.

Jolicoeur is a fifth degree black belt in Jiu Jitsu and has been practicing the art for more than 40 years. His style of Jiu Jitsu is comprised of striking, joint locks, choke holds, take downs and throws.

He has operated from his own DoJo, located on the second floor of his garage, for the last ten years and usually does classes on Tuesday and Thursday nights, from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Jolicoeur has been teaching at least two nights a week since 1986.

He said if Tuesdays and Thursday’s are challenging for certain people’s schedule, he can be flexible to help accommodate them.

He primarily instructs people 13 and older but will teach preteens also, with adjustments to the training.

People who take his class begin with fundamentals to help give his students a strong foundation to start with.


“We start off with mat work or learning to roll and fall when being thrown,” Jolicoeur said. “Some empty hand striking, basic stances,and various basic movements. Then depending on the group we break off and pair up to work on techniques.”

In his over four decades of training he has worked with people of all ages, including many police and correctional officers.

He encourages people interested in his class to take at least two classes a week. He thinks this is the minimum one needs to progress at an appropriate rate. He also hopes people taking the class will be eager to learn more once they are started.

Jolicoeur said students serious in Jiu Jitsu can earn a black belt in five to six years, with dedicated training.

“We work with folks of all skill levels and abilities. You do not need to be an Olympic athlete, just someone with an unwillingness to quit,” he said.

Jolicoeur said his style helps people prepare for both unarmed and armed attackers.


“Living in such a rural area where emergency response time can be long, every second counts. Being able to defend yourself and your loved ones is a great piece of mind to have even while pursuing a peaceful resolution to what you’re experiencing,” Jolicoeur said.

People interested can contact Ki Dp Ryu Jiu Jitsu at 207-925 1515 or check out the Facebook page. The address of the DoJo is 576 Slab City Road in Lovell.

When Jolicoeur is not in his DoJo, you’ll most likely find him outside. He’s summited many peaks in the Twin, Franconia and Presidential mountain ranges. He also enjoys target shooting, snowmobiling and year-round ATV riding. He belongs to the Pulpit Trail Blazahs ATV Club and the Stoneham Knight Riders Snowmobile Club.

Jolicoeur is an HVAC Technician, certified scuba diver and a former Emergency Technician and firefighter.

Jolicoeur’s business logo. Submitted photo.






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