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    Day 2 Lobster HP photos - Jessica Rinaldi/The Boston Globe | of | Share this photo

    On the day the rules came out, Taza Watt sat at his kitchen table with his wife, Cathy, and granddaughter, Brooklyn, and prayed over the meal that Cathy and Brooklyn had prepared on Aug. 31. "Father, we are so thankful for your many blessings, for this food and for this family. Father, we pray for our island and the boys of Vinalhaven as we face changes that will make it hard on our fishermen to provide for their families. We ask that you give our boys the strength to make it through this, we also pray for the people in Louisiana and Afghanistan. We love you Lord and ask these things in Jesus' name, amen."

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    Day 2 Lobster HP photos - Brianna Soukup/Staff Photographer | of | Share this photo

    Tanner Lazaro broke apart frozen bait while working as a sternman on Frankie Thompson's boat Obsession on July 24. Most days in the summer, 15-year old Tanner is up early to go to work on the back of a boat. It is how the Vinalhaven native has always spent his time away from school.

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    Day 2 Lobster HP photos - Brianna Soukup/Staff Photographer | of | Share this photo

    Jadon Jackomino kissed his girlfriend, Sahmara Robbins, after returning to the float after a day hauling with Frankie Thompson on Obsession on Sept. 1.

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    Day 2 Lobster HP photos - Jessica Rinaldi/The Boston Globe | of | Share this photo

    Cathy Watt breaks down after learning of the new regulations including a seasonal closure for offshore lobstermen as she worried for her husband, Taza, and her son, Jake, who are both lobstermen. “These kids did it right. The men who are offshore did it right. They work their way up. They work hard. And then someone comes and just flips it upside down on you. It’s like cutting off half of the empire state building. Cut off half of it. You’re out of a job, that’s it. You’re too high for the birds.” She says as she covers her face, “You don’t get outside, offshore, because daddy gives you something. You get out there from working since you were little. Jake had his first pair of Grundens when he was 4 years old. He couldn’t wait to get on the boat and haul with his dad. And he’s worked hard ever since. He’s never missed a day.”
