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    Storm hits southern Maine coast hard - Ben McCanna/Staff Photographer | of | Share this photo

    Charlie Foss, left, and Holly Brooks of Portland watch the high surf at Dyer Cove in Cape Elizabeth on Wednesday morning. "This is as strong as I've seen it," Foss said.

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    Storm hits southern Maine coast hard - Gregory Rec/Staff Photographer | of | Share this photo

    Waves break over a seawall along Beach Avenue in Kennebunk during high tide Wednesday.

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    Storm hits southern Maine coast hard - Ben McCanna/Staff Photographer | of | Share this photo

    Two sailboats washed ashore at Willard Beach in South Portland during the nor'easter.

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    Storm hits southern Maine coast hard - Ben McCanna/Staff Photographer | of | Share this photo

    Line workers restore power on Fowler Road in Cape Elizabeth on Wednesday.

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    Storm hits southern Maine coast hard - Gregory Rec/Staff Photographer | of | Share this photo

    A man in a golf cart watches as a wave breaks over the seawall along Beach Avenue in Kennebunk during high tide Wednesday.

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    Storm hits southern Maine coast hard - Ben McCanna/Staff Photographer | of | Share this photo

    Waves churn at the base of Ram Island Ledge Light in Casco Bay on Wednesday morning in strong winds from the nor'easter.

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    Storm hits southern Maine coast hard - Ben McCanna/Staff Photographer | of | Share this photo

    Max Jones, left, and Eden York of South Portland survey a partially sunken sailboat Wednesday afternoon near Willard Beach. The boat's owner, Paul Visich, said it broke free of its mooring earlier in the day.

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    Storm hits southern Maine coast hard - Gregory Rec/Staff Photographer | of | Share this photo

    Michelle Benham of Phippsburg takes photos of a wave crashing over the seawall on Beach Avenue in Kennebunk during high tide Wednesday.

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    Storm hits southern Maine coast hard - Ben McCanna/Staff Photographer | of | Share this photo

    Levi Gloden takes photos of high surf off Dyer Cove in Cape Elizabeth on Wednesday morning. Gloden, a commercial fisherman, said he had the day off because of the rough weather. "I had to come out here and see the angry seas," he said.

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    Storm hits southern Maine coast hard - Ben McCanna/Staff Photographer | of | Share this photo

    Line workers to restore power on Fowler Road in Cape Elizabeth on Wednesday.

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    Storm hits southern Maine coast hard - Ben McCanna/Staff Photographer | of | Share this photo

    Charlie Foss, left, and Holly Brooks of Portland embrace as they watch the high surf at Dyer Cove in Cape Elizabeth on Wednesday morning. "This is as strong as I've seen it," Foss said.
