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    Virtual Dempsey Challenge 09/26/2020 - Daryn Slover/Sun Journal | of | Share this photo

    Patrick Dempsey rides along Saturday during the Dempsey Challenge Zwift Ride at the Dempsey Center in Lewiston. The actor and about 2,500 cyclists from around the world pedaled their avatar around a virtual course on Zwift, an online, interactive platform. Six cyclists spread out across the Dempsey Center completed the 18 mile, 55 minute ride. Kyle Rancourt of Lewiston coordinated the group Zwift ride for the Dempsey Center.

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    Virtual Dempsey Challenge 09/26/2020 - Daryn Slover/Sun Journal | of | Share this photo

    Kyle Rancourt of Lewiston, right, helps set up cancer survivor Trevor Maxwell of Cape Elizabeth with the online platform, Zwift, prior to Saturday's start of the Dempsey Challenge Zwift Ride at the Dempsey Center in Lewiston. Rancourt is on the steering committee of the Dempsey Challenge. When the COVID-19 pandemic canceled the traditional Dempsey Challenge, Rancourt mentioned having a virtual bike event on Zwift. "They ran with the idea," said Rancourt. About 2,500 cyclists from around world joined Patrick Dempsey on Saturday's ride.

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    Virtual Dempsey Challenge 09/26/2020 - Daryn Slover/Sun Journal | of | Share this photo

    Cancer survivor Trevor Maxwell of Cape Elizabeth is one of the very few that road a mountain bike Saturday during the Dempsey Challenge Zwift Ride at the Dempsey Center in Lewiston. "I'm in the ride, but I can't go fast," said Maxwell. "But that's not the point. The point is to be here." Maxwell was diagnosed with cancer in March 2018. "I'm still in treatment. I'm still fighting," said the husband and father of two daughters.

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    Virtual Dempsey Challenge 09/26/2020 - Daryn Slover/Sun Journal | of | Share this photo

    Patrick Dempsey finishes the Dempsey Challenge Zwift Ride at the Dempsey Center in Lewiston. Dempsey and about 2,500 cyclists from around the world pedaled their avatar around a virtual course on Zwift, an online, interactive platform. Six cyclists spread out across the Dempsey Center on Saturday to complete the 18-mile, 55-minute ride.

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    Virtual Dempsey Challenge 09/26/2020 - Daryn Slover/Sun Journal | of | Share this photo

    "If I had a knife, I would have given myself a flat," said Dennis Richardson while riding the Dempsey Challenge Zwift Ride with Patrick Dempsey, left. Richardson of Turner said that Saturday was his first time riding on the interactive online platform. Richardson raised $15,200 for the Dempsey Center this summer. To celebrate, he will ride 100 miles to Land's End on Bailey Island and back Sunday while wearing a purple tutu and a pink tiara.

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    Virtual Dempsey Challenge 09/26/2020 - Daryn Slover/Sun Journal | of | Share this photo

    Dennis Richardson of Turner rides Saturday during the Dempsey Challenge Zwift Ride at the Dempsey Center in Lewiston.

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    Virtual Dempsey Challenge 09/26/2020 - Daryn Slover/Sun Journal | of | Share this photo

    Patrick Dempsey gives a thumbs up Saturday after finishing the Dempsey Challenge Zwift Ride at the Dempsey Center in Lewiston.

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    Virtual Dempsey Challenge 09/26/2020 - Daryn Slover/Sun Journal | of | Share this photo

    Cancer survivor Dr. Lizzie Baker of Freeport rides Saturday during the Dempsey Challenge Zwift Ride at the Dempsey Center in Lewiston. Baker is the cycling coach of the Dempsey Challenge “Training Tuesdays” series.

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    Virtual Dempsey Challenge 09/26/2020 - Daryn Slover/Sun Journal | of | Share this photo

    Kyle Rancourt of Lewiston and his team from Rancourt & Co. raised $6,000 for the Dempsey Center this summer. He was one of about 2,500 cyclists from around the world who rode Saturday with Patrick Dempsey during the Dempsey Challenge Zwift Ride.
