PublishedJanuary 5, 2025
Remembering some of Maine’s leading lights
Past Prologue: A grateful salute to the contributions of the late Joseph Brennan, Bruce Reeves, Louis Scolnick and Ed Boucher.
PublishedDecember 22, 2024
Trust, but verify what the local barber tells you about politicians
Columnist Paul Mills did some fact checking after reading a salacious detail about Margaret Chase Smith's husband.
PublishedOctober 27, 2024
Paul Mills: How hurricanes impacted Maine’s 1954 election
Within 11 days before the state election, two hurricanes hit Maine and had an influence on voters.
PublishedMarch 2, 2024
Paul Mills: Maine voters not enrolled in a political party can vote in primaries this year
The primary system has been around so long and is so prevalent in America we take it for granted. We shouldn’t, however.
PublishedJanuary 7, 2024
Paul Mills: Maine lost 2 legends named Dave in 2023
Two phenomenal Mainers took leave of us during this just past eventful year.
PublishedNovember 5, 2023
Paul Mills: Maine should be known as ‘the amendment state’
PublishedMarch 12, 2023
Paul Mills: Maine elects a president: Marty Rogoff and the 1976 Jimmy Carter Campaign
PublishedFebruary 19, 2023
Paul Mills: Two Maine legislators showed how to overcome scandals
Currently, U.S. Rep. George Santos and state Rep. Clinton Collamore are on the hot seats. That doesn't mean their political careers are over.
Past prologue