Louise Girardin gets an “I Voted Today” sticker from elections warden Nancy Petersons after voting in Mechanic Falls on Tuesday. Voters were asked if they wanted to recall four of the five town councilors. Daryn Slover/Sun Journal

Harold Hanscome Jr. reads his ballot before voting at the Municipal Building in Mechanic Falls on Tuesday. Daryn Slover/Sun Journal

MECHANIC FALLS — The election to recall four town councilors fell short by eight votes Tuesday, leaving Chairwoman Cathy Fifield, Vice Chairman Wayne Hackett, Nick Konstantoulakis and John Emery in office.

A minimum of 384 ballots were required to remove them from their seats, according to a town ordinance. A total of 376 were cast.

Newly designated Town Clerk Julie Ward announced the results shortly after 9 p.m.:

  • Cathy Fifield, 317 to recall; 57 not to recall;
  • Wayne Hackett, 332 to recall; 43 not to recall;
  • Nick Konstantoulakis, 235 to recall; 137 not to recall; and
  • John Emery, 196 to recall; 178 not to recall.

The election was the latest chapter in a months long saga that began when the four councilors voted to remove Town Manager Zakk Maher of Poland from office in June. Councilor Kieth Bennett opposed the move.

Maher, who had completed 10 months of his four-year contract, was reinstated in August after his attorney filed a lawsuit in Androscoggin County Superior Court claiming the council acted in violation of state statutes and the town charter.

Fifield responded to the results, saying, “I want to be on the council. I look forward to working with Zakk.” She added, “My heart is in Mechanic Falls. It breaks me” that this had happened.


Hackett said he hoped “to get this town back on track.”

Although pleased to remain as a councilor, Konstantoulakis said he had hoped more people would show up to vote.

Emery was unavailable for comment.

Mark Elliott, who along with four others spearheaded the recall effort said, “While I am disappointed we did not have the turnout needed to certify the election, I am happy with the level of support we did have through the process. Our goal as a committee was to put the decision into the hands of the people of Mechanic Falls and we did everything we could to insure a good turnout so their voice could be heard. Unfortunately, we fell short this time.”

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