Bernd Heinrich Contributed photo

AUBURN — Teacher, scientist and author Bernd Heinrich plans to join Auburn Public Library virtually for “Fascinating Things I Have Seen: Insights on Nature with Author Bernd Heinrich,” which runs from 4 to 5 p.m. Tuesday, June 8.

Heinrich will share some of the things he’s experienced in nature which he’s found interesting and intriguing. He’ll also give suggest some things to be on the lookout for while exploring the natural world this summer.

Heinrich is an acclaimed scientist and the author of numerous books, including the best-selling “Winter World,” “Mind of the Ravens,” “Why We Run,” “The Homing Instinct,” and “One Wild Bird at a Time.” Among Heinrich’s many honors is the 2013 PEN New England Award in nonfiction for “Life Everlasting.” He resides in Maine.

This program will take place via Zoom. To register, visit the Events page at, call the Reference Desk at 207-333-6640, ext. 4, or email

This program is part of the library’s adult summer reading program, “Tales with Tails,” during which it will be reading, learning, and talking about summer, nature and animals.

Other virtual programs will include a talk about local birdwatching, beekeeping, meditation in nature, an author talk with Christopher McDougall (“Running with Sherman”), and a visit with Misfits Rehab, a local wildlife rehabilitator.

The library also will host two in-person programs — one about service dogs and another about living and working with border collies (dogs will be in attendance). More details about the adult summer reading program, which runs from June 8 to Aug. 30, can be found the library’s website or its Facebook page.

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