I wonder how long are we going to tolerate the Russian atrocities and expect the Ukrainians to “compromise.”

If someone broke into a person’s house, killed their kids and burned their house, would they compromise? What is there to compromise?

If the Ukrainians let the Russians off with everything they have done and let them rule their country as their own, is that a compromise?

That is what the Russians want. In return they will let the rest of the country live a while under their ruler? There is no compromise here.

Patrick Henry said, “Give me liberty or give me death.” That is what the Ukrainians are saying, and meanwhile we sit on our hands in any way that would alter the result.

I believe we will be forced to fight the Russians one day, the day after they have destroyed our communications, our power sources and our spirit with their infiltration of our politics and with their hacking.


British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain tried to appease Adolf Hitler, allowing him to acquire small country after country with only minimum interference. There’s no need to worry about being drawn into the conflict: we are already in it as long as we have any desire to retain our freedom.

One doesn’t fight King Kong with pillows. We have given much blood to protect our freedom and to retain friends of like mind.

People should be assured that in the end, it isn’t only Ukraine Vladimir Putin wants, it is us.

Marilyn Burgess, Leeds

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