As Mainers and farmers, we believe the Legislature should vote “yes” on LD 1986, “An Act Relating to Net Energy Billing and Distributed Solar and Energy Storage Systems.”

After achieving our dream of farming food for our family and community, we decided to add solar as one of our crops and became community solar farmers. Community solar provides our family and members of our community with access to both the economic and environmental benefits of solar energy — whether they have panels or not.Maine needs a clean energy future. That’s why we’re for LD 1986 and opposed to LD 1347, “An Act to Eliminate the Current Net Energy Billing Policy in Maine.”

We directly benefit from solar every day and want to see those benefits extended across our state. LD 1986 will strengthen the development of Maine-made solar and help make it a cost-effective power option while also reforming Maine’s Net Energy Billing — making the costs and benefits more transparent.LD 1986 provides a viable framework for community solar in Maine — moving us away from fossil fuels — and continuing our progress toward a much-needed sustainable future for our state.The Legislature should vote “yes” on 1986 and “no” on LD1347.Leslie and Ben Geissinger, Livermore Falls

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