Following years of bullying, forcing personal agendas, and disregarding the needs of Lewiston citizens, voters are getting to see the true colors of some of our city councilors.

Whether it’s Rick LaChapelle slinging insults at audience members, Robert McCarthy yelling to the point of turning red-in-the-face, or Lee Clement’s condescending dismissal of anyone he disagrees with, they are not competent to represent our city.

We need to vote them out.

Lachapelle prompted his niece, Eryn Leclair, to run on the final day papers could be taken out.

Clement previously attempted to appoint Matt Agren to the City Council, without success, and encouraged Agren to run as a candidate for school committee.

Jon Connor, Tim and Donna Gallant, and Craig Charpentier are also in partnership with them.

If we want better we need to vote for community focused candidates: Longchamps, Roy, Cooke, Chittim, Boilard, Beauparlant, and Parks.

Jason Parks, Lewiston

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