DEAR SUN SPOTS: Mexico Congregational Church, UCC (the “Green Church”) at 163 Main St. in Mexico, is planning a “Sweets for Your Sweetie” sale from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturday, Feb. 10. The sale is to feature baked items, candy, fudge and other goodies, all with a Valentine’s Day theme.

The event is to include three raffle baskets: a valentine basket, a fisherman’s basket and a family basket with items to appeal to children. Drawings for the raffles are scheduled for 1 p.m.
Seating will be available for customers to enjoy coffee or tea and sample the wares, which are expected to include fresh cinnamon rolls.  Attendees may also browse the puzzle swap in an adjacent room. Those who are tired of the puzzles they have already assembled are invited to bring a puzzle and take a puzzle.The event will be held in the conference room on the main floor of the church building. It can be accessed by the ramp from the parking lot or the Main Street door, near the mailbox.

Proceeds from the event will help with repairs and restoration to the church dining room, which was damaged by the December flooding.

—Carol, Mexico

ANSWER: This event sounds like so much fun. I am sorry to hear about the damage to the building, but you are a resourceful, imaginative bunch. I think this fundraiser will be fantastic.

DEAR SUN SPOTS: Someone has given a Hammond organ to the Leeds Clothing & Thrift Store at 160 Church Hill Road. We would like it to go to an organization or a person who would use it. If you would like to see a picture, it has been posted on Facebook Marketplace under Hammond Organ, Livermore, ME ( ).


If you are interested and want to see it in person, call Jo at 207-513-2519 to set up a time. It has all the extras, including chimes, strings, banjo and more.

We know the best way to get the word out is through Sun Spots, one of the most helpful parts of the newspaper. Thank you for all you do for us.—No name, Leeds

ANSWER: Let us know what happens.

DEAR SUN SPOTS: Thank you for all the wonderful outpouring from the community members who donated puzzles to the residents of Oak Park. There are still good people in the world.—Linda, Lewiston

ANSWER: I am glad for you all. Sun Spotters are the best.

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