POLAND — The town’s 2023 financial audit received high marks at Tuesday’s meeting of the Select Board.
Ron Smith of RHR Smith & Co. accounting firm told the board via zoom that Poland’s financial picture is in good, solid shape with its unassigned fund balance meeting industry standards in 30, 60 and 90 days of its operating budget.
He said “no areas of significant deficiencies or material weaknesses were noted.”
In other business, Town Manager Matt Garside had been asked by the board to find out if the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife could put in a dock at the Range Pond boat ramp in advance of any larger work that might be done.
Garside said he was told by the department that any significant amenity to a dock must comply with Americans with Disabilities Act standards.
The Range Pond ramp would require significant infrastructure work and it is more efficient to completely reengineer the site to incorporate a dock than to retrofit, Garside said.
In another matter, nomination papers for municipal and Regional School Unit 16 offices will be available March 4.
Two seats each will be contested for the Board of Selectpersons, RSU 16 board of directors and the Budget Committee.
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