RANGELEY — Voters approved a nearly $5.8 million municipal budget Tuesday which includes money for a full-time police chief and three officers, and a second full-time firefighter.

The Police Department budget of $472,450 passed, 195-80.

Rangeley’s chief resigned in February and the sole officer resigned in April. The town received three applications for police chief in May.

Jay Police Chief Richard Caton IV was named interim chief in April to serve 16 to 20 hours a week taking care of administrative duties.

The Fire and Rescue Department budget of $429,477 passed, 208-69. It includes money for a second full-time firefighter. In 2020, voters approved the first full-time firefighter.

The combined budget for the town and assessments for Rangeley Lakes Regional School District and Franklin County is estimated at nearly $10.9 million, Town Manager Joe Roach wrote in an email in May.


School District residents approved a $5.7 million budget Tuesday and the Franklin County Budget Advisory Committee approved a $10.6 million spending plan in May.

All warrant articles passed Tuesday except a request for $60,000 to the Rangeley Lakes Region Chamber of Commerce toward its marketing and advertising expense. The vote was 128-143.

Jacob Beaulieu was elected selectman for three years with 146 votes. Incumbent Ethna Thompson received 125.

Michelle Laliberte and Lindsey Savage were elected to three-year terms to the Parks Commission with votes of 216 and 212, respectively.

Selectman Samantha White was elected to a two-year term on the Parks Commission with 220 votes.

Voters also elected Robert “Ryan” Wilbur to another three-year term on the Regional School Unit 78 board of directors.

No one took out papers for a second position on the board.

Lee Grant received 238 votes to serve a three-year term on the Sewer Commission.

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