The New Vineyard Select Board meets Monday at Smith Hall where they decided to stop charging residents for Transfer Station stickers because it’s a violation of the Solid Waste and Recycling Ordinance. From left are Jeffrey Allen, Seth Webber and Lexi Daggett. Leo Goddard/Franklin Journal

NEW VINEYARD — The town has ceased charging residents $50 a year for Transfer Station stickers after selectmen recently learned it violates the Solid Waste and Recycling Ordinance.

Town Clerk Michelle Beedy advised selectmen Monday that the town has charged residents the past 10 to 15 years.

According to the ordinance, the New Vineyard Landfill and Recycling Facility is operated for the benefit of residents. Admission is by permit only and residents will be issued stickers, without charge, upon application to the Town Office.

Selectmen said their options were to change the ordinance or stop charging for stickers. They decided on the latter, with the understanding that they cannot reimburse any of the money already paid.

New Vineyard Selectman Jeffrey Allen measures the width of the ramp at Smith Hall on Monday for changes needed to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Leo Goddard/Franklin Journal

Beedy pointed out that the board will need to pay close attention to the budget next year with this loss of revenue.

Monday’s meeting took place at Smith Hall, rather than the Town Office, to look at upcoming renovations. A new generator will be in installed in October. The hall is a potential warming center in case of power outages. A ramp that complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act will also be installed this fall, if a contractor can be found for the job. The ramp is about six years old.

In other business, it was discovered that selectmen do not have authority over the Planning Board, confirming Selectman Jeffrey Allen’s stance in the previous meeting when approached with a concern about processes being used by the Planning Board. The state is responsible for anything concerning the Planning Board.

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