LEWISTON — SeniorsPlus will offer the following classes in January. Classes are held in person at its Lewiston, Wilton, or Norway locations; online; or hybrid. Class locations are 8 Falcon Road, Lewiston; 9 Marston St., Norway; and 284 Main St., Suite 100, Wilton. Classes are free, unless noted. Locations are fully accessible. Hearing assistive equipment is available upon request. For more information or to register, call 207-795-4010 or visit seniorsplus.org.


Walk-in Tech Assistance: Days: Tuesdays, Time: 1–3 p.m., Facilitator: Michael Burd. Location: SeniorsPlus Wilton. Need assistance with a phone, tablet, or laptop? Michael Burd, Technology Literacy, CTE and Life Skills Instructor of Franklin County Adult Education, will be here to help.

Loose Ends Knitting Group: Days: Tuesdays, Time: 1–2 p.m., Location: SeniorsPlus Wilton. Bring your own knitting, crocheting, needlepoint, or anything you enjoy. Relax and socialize as we learn and grow together as a group. Extra yarn and needles will be available.

Coffee and Cribbage: Days: Thursdays, Time: 9–10:30 a.m.. Location: SeniorsPlus Wilton. Welcome to all beginner and experienced cribbage players. We will have limited cribbage boards available, so if you are able to bring your own, please do so.

Wowzitude! ‘Armchair Travel’


Mystery Destinations: Dates: Thursdays, January 9, 16, 23, and 30, Time: 11 a.m. Location: SeniorsPlus Wilton. Wowzitude’s Award-Winning Travel Club, designed for armchair travelers, takes you on LIVE, guided virtual walks around the world from the comfort and safety of SeniorsPlus. Interactive, virtual live-streamed walking tours feature expert hosts and trained local guides eager to Zoom in and introduce us to their favorite spots. Destinations are subject to change. Walk-ins welcome.

Telehealth—Connecting with your Healthcare Provider from Home. Date: Tuesday, January 7, Time: Noon–1 p.m., Facilitator: NDEC, Location: SeniorsPlus Wilton. In this class we will look at how you can connect with your healthcare provider from the comfort of your own home. Telehealth is the new home visit, allowing healthcare providers to evaluate, diagnose, and treat patients, whether it’s for checkups, consultations, or a follow-up appointment. We will discuss the process, including setting up your initial appointment, what to expect, insurance and patient portals, and community resources.

Rock N’ Talk: Date: Tuesday, January 14, Time: 10 a.m.–noon (drop in), Facilitator: Consumer Council System of Maine. Location: SeniorsPlus Wilton. During a Rock N’ Talk event, people spend time decorating rocks with phrases and/or images that inspire healing. Rock N’ Talk is a community project event that provides a safe and comfortable space for people to share their experiences with mental health and related services. We believe that everyone deserves access to quality mental healthcare, and your voice matters. All supplies provided.

Animal Fostering Info Session: Date: Thursday, January 23, Time: 1–2 p.m., Facilitator: Greater Androscoggin Humane Society, Location: SeniorsPlus Wilton. Lots of our furry friends need a helping hand before they get a fur-ever home. Join us to learn about fostering opportunities and needs.

Our caregiver support groups offer a safe place for caregivers, family, and friends to meet and develop a mutual support system. Participation can be an empowering experience.

Kinship Support Group—Wilton, Date: Thursday, January 16 (every third Thursday), Time: 6–7:30 p.m., Facilitator: Cyndi Dolloff, Location: SeniorsPlus Wilton. Provided by Adoptive & Foster Families of Maine, Inc. & The Kinship Program, this meeting is led by Cyndi Dolloff, AFFM Trainer, Facilitator, and Resource Parent. Childcare is provided. RSVP by calling Brigid at 207-827-2331 or email brigid@affm.net.

Caregiver Newsletter: SeniorsPlus offers a quarterly Caregiver Support Newsletter to share caregiver-specific resources and opportunities to those in need. If you or someone you know is in need of caregiver support and would like to receive the newsletter, please reach out.

Cyber-Senior Mentors—A Tech Resource: Date/time: At your convenience, Presenter: Cyber-Senior, Location: Phone and/or online. Cyber-Senior Mentors provide technology training in the form of online webinars and telephone support for older adults. If you are interested in group or one-on-one technology support, please join in. Trained volunteers are standing by to answer your tech questions and also to help you sign up for online training sessions. Call Cyber Seniors at 1-844-217-3057.

About SeniorsPlus and our Education Center: Our mission is to enrich the lives of older people and adults with disabilities, their families and communities, and to support them to make informed choices. Educational programs like these are made possible by contributions.

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