LIVERMORE FALLS. — Sunday, January 5, 2025 service. On this “wicked” cold Morning, Maggie Houlihan played beautiful music as the congregation greeted and gathered for the 10:30 a.m. worship service. Today, Kay King-Watson filled our Pulpit and greeted worshipers as they entered the Sanctuary. Last Sunday, December 29, we sadly said a farewell to the Rev. Russ Thayer and his wife, Carol. Next Sunday, January 12, we will welcome a new interim pastor, the Rev. Doctor Lillian Buckley, who will serve this church through July.
Dianne Hirsh opened the worship service as she read a few announcements and led the congregation as we sang two Praise Songs: “He Who Began a Good Work In You”, and “Change My Heart, O God”. Kay King-Watson gave the Call to Worship as she read from Psalm 95, Verses 1 – 3. During Prayer Time, Several members of the Congregation requested prayers for friends and family. We recited the Lord’s Prayer and sang a familiar Hymn, “Just A Closer Walk With Thee”. Lynn Knight presented the Mission Moment, RMMO, which is a mission that raises money to help retired ministers. She read from the Book of First Chronicles, Chapter 16, Verse 12, which reads as follows: “Remember the wondrous works that God has done.”
Kay asked the children to come to the front pew as she presented the Junior Sermon titled “A Bible Story”. She told the story of the Three Wisemen who heard of the birth of Jesus and traveled many miles for several weeks to see for themselves the “new King”. As Tithes and Offerings were collected, Maggie Houlihan and Margaret Emery played the “Christlike Medley”. Special Music was offered by the Worship Team as they presented, “A Spiritual Medley” with Congregational participation.
Last Sunday, December 29, Pastor Russ preached his final sermon to this congregation. He titled the sermon, “What Is the Future of First Baptist Church?” It was wonderful and exactly what we needed to hear. Typically, when a pastor retires, or leaves a church, there will be folks who stop attending services, or shop around the community for other churches to attend. The pastor emphasized that we attend services at God’s House. The church belongs to God, and we attend services to praise God and form a closer relationship with God. A pastor is God’s messenger, not someone to idolize. Pastor Thayer encouraged us as we continue our journey that we includes a loving spirit, a welcoming attitude and a zest for learning and understanding of God and His Church.
Today, Kay preached a Sermon entitled “A NewYear’s Message – New Beginnings”. She reminded us that many people make goals that are easily abandoned after a few days or weeks into the new year. She quoted from several Books of the Bible, including Jeremiah 29: 11 – 13, Philippians 3: 13 – 15. She encouraged us to look forward rather than back. In other words, don’t waste time thinking about our failures and poor choices. Instead, concentrate on our relationship with God. She gave us three ways to grow and blossom as we make our resolutions for the year 2025: 1, Pray and read from the Bible every day. 2, Learn and develop our spiritual gifts. God has given each of us specific gifts that we can use to serve our families, our church and our community. Your Gifts may be in leadership, teaching, carpentry, music, cooking, preaching and the list goes on. 3, Ask God how you can use your gifts and live in Holiness each day. Ask Him what He requires of you and do your best to be the best Christian you can be every day. Remember to be kind and loving, uplifting for others, generous with your time, respectful, honest and compassionate with others. Happy New Year!
The Service ended as we sang, “I Have decided to follow Jesus”, and after the Benediction, “God Be With You “Til We Meet Again”.
1. Next Sunday, January 12, we will welcome our Interim Pastor, the Rev. Doctor Lillian Buckley. There will be a Coffee Hour-Meet and Greet with finger foods after the Worship Service to welcome her.
2. This month, we are collecting all kinds of crackers for the Food Cupboard. In February, we will collect cereal.
3. The next Soap ‘N More Store will be open on Saturday, January 25, from 9 a m to Noon. A free lunch will be served at 11 am.
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