Global warming concerns or alarms a large majority of Americans. 2020 data from the Yale Program on Climate Change Communication indicates that 72% of Americans believe global warming is happening, and 71% believe it will harm future generations as well as plants and animals.

Citizens with these concerns must vote Donald Trump out of office. The Science Denier-in-Chief has called global warming a “con” and a “very expensive hoax.” He directed his Environmental Protection Agency to rescind the Obama Clean Power Plan. He has weakened automobile fuel-efficiency standards. He is pulling the U.S. from the 2015 Paris Climate Accord, agreed to by nearly 200 countries.

For those who are concerned about the future of the planet and would like to see the USA assume some world leadership on the problem, there is only one choice in this election, and it is not Donald Trump.

Richard Fortier, New Gloucester

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