OXFORD — The Board of Selectmen on Thursday approved a warrant for a special town meeting Aug. 1 to address a potential business park off Roller Rink Road and to amend two ordinances.

“John Schiavi offered 11 parcels of property totaling 17 or 18 acres,” Town Manager Butch Asselin said. “The idea is to develop that into a business park using the proceeds of the sale of the lots as a match for community development grants.”

If voters approve accepting the property, the Oxford Economic Development Committee will have the authority and responsibility to manage the property, including negotiating sales, transfers, infrastructure and community development block grant applications, all subject to approval of the board.

“The park itself has great potential,” Asselin said.

Voters will also consider creating a Business Park Capital Reserve Fund and appropriating sale proceeds of parcels within the proposed park to the fund.

“The reserve fund would not just be for this business park,” Asselin said. “It would be for future commercial developments as well.”


Voters will also consider amending the Subdivision Ordinance to include a fee schedule.

The proposed schedule includes a $100 fee for a subdivision application or amendment. Fees associated with engineering review, abutter notifications and publication of notices will be at the applicant’s expense.

Proposed amendments to the Shoreland Zoning Ordinance will bring the town’s ordinance in line with state standards, Code Enforcement Officer Joelle Corey-Whitman said.

“I didn’t change it in any other way except to follow what the state is doing,” she said. “We have not been mandated to do this, but we’ve been told verbally we are in violation.”

The special town meeting will be held at 6:30 p.m. in the Municipal Building, 85 Pleasant St.

In other matters, the board voted unanimously to accept a $10,000 grant from the Stephen and Tabitha King Foundation for communication equipment for the Fire and Rescue Department.

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