“Dirigo,” meaning “I lead,” is found on our state flag under the North Star and is our motto. Remember: As goes Maine, so goes the nation.
As a Maine citizen I am requesting that there be an emergency meeting of our state Legislature to stop the Mills’ administration’s COVID vaccine mandate for health care workers.
Job loss is one dreadful consequence, but the greater loss is of adequate health care services in long-care facilities and emergency situations. How insane.
Is COVID being used to push other, unconstitutional agendas? With research there is enough information to cause people to insist upon pausing the vaccination decree.
One example, why isn’t natural immunity addressed and acknowledged? People should persist to ask questions and seek sound solutions. There has to be a better way than my way or the highway, or one size fits all.
Maine’s mandate is one of the harshest in our nation. It is oppressing people by forcing them to make hard choices that work against their conscience and beliefs. Is that the direction our beloved state’s elected officials will be known to lead in?
Together we can do better. It is time for true courage and remembrance of what it takes to keep this land free and well governed, by we the people.
It is time to act. I implore readers to intervene by reaching out to local representatives and asking them to lead according to our constitutional and God-given freedoms, not crippling mandates.
Lead us, true north.
Tammy Fereshetian, Turner
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