One of my favorite parts of being a new mom is introducing my daughter to Maine’s natural beauty. Her squeals of delight when she dipped her toes into Range Pond for the first time and the awe on her face when she saw the view from the top of Bradbury Mountain have reaffirmed for me how important it is to preserve Maine’s environment for future generations.

That’s why I’ll be voting for Bettyann Sheats for State Senate this fall. Bettyann has a proven track record of working to protect Maine’s environment. She has successfully led efforts to get harmful chemicals out of water and food packaging, and she has earned the endorsement of both the Sierra Club and Maine Conservation Voters.

In the Senate, Bettyann would be an advocate for our environment and our community. I hope voters will join me in supporting Bettyann Sheats at the ballot box Nov. 8.

Amanda Burgess, Auburn

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